Can you see dolphins at Bondi Beach?

Yes, it’s possible to see dolphins at Bondi Beach, although it’s not extremely common. Dolphins are known to swim along the coast, and occasionally, they come close enough to the shore to be visible from Bondi Beach.

At Bondi, the best times to spot these marine mammals are typically early in the morning or later in the afternoon, when the ocean is calmer, and the beach is less crowded. The serenity of these times allows for a better chance to observe any wildlife that might be present near the shore.

For an elevated chance of spotting dolphins, locals and visitors alike often head to the pool deck at Bondi Icebergs, located at the southern end of the beach. The Icebergs’ pool deck is renowned for its stunning, unobstructed views of the ocean, making it an ideal spot for dolphin watching. Its proximity to the sea offers a vantage point like no other, allowing onlookers to gaze out into the vast blue and catch a glimpse of dolphins as they play, hunt, or simply pass by. The elevation and clear line of sight from the Icebergs pool deck provide an unparalleled opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat, often adding an unexpected and unforgettable highlight to a day at Bondi Beach.