Definitive Guide To Bondi’s Best Restaurants

After meticulously analyzing countless reviews, we’ve crunched the numbers to present the definitive, objective ranking of the best restaurants in Bondi. From sun-kissed beachside eateries to hidden culinary gems, our list is your go-to resource for the top dining experiences in this iconic Sydney destination. Whether you’re a local foodie or a traveler seeking the flavors of Australia, get ready to explore the crème de la crème of Bondi’s vibrant restaurant landscape!

#1 Sean's Panaroma: Freshness and simplicity overlooking Bondi Beach, with a produce-driven menu that adapts to seasonal availability.

#2 Icebergs Dining Room and Bar: Offers a potential for epic lunches with a refreshing Sydney experience and a 'comfortable yacht' vibe.

#3 Totti's: A sunny Italian escape in an old pub, known for woodfired grills, long lunches, and stylish gatherings.

#4 Da Orazio Pizza and Porchetta: Famous for their 'focaccia con porchetta', a delicious mix of roast pork, eggplant, and pizza bread.

#5 Bills, Bondi: Known for its long queues, fast service, and dishes like miso salmon and high-end schnitzel.

If you’re looking for cheaper alternatives, here’s our list of the best cheap eats in Bondi.